The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to promote the following events by partners in our network that support inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities: MHAC Statewide Network Meeting, Sept. 25th from 10-11:30 am (virtual) Join the...
Survey Finds that 82% of Older Adults are Dissatisfied with Health Care System
A survey released by Age Wave and The John A. Hartford Foundation reveals widespread dissatisfaction among older adults with the U.S. health care system. Four in five older adults (82%) say the U.S. health care system is not prepared for the growing and changing needs...
NTIA Survey: More Older Adults are Using the Internet
The most recent annual National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Internet Use Survey shows a significant increase in the number of internet users in the United States—including older adults. The findings were highlighted in a blog post by Older...
MCOA Seeking Feedback from Dementia Friendly Communities and Partners
Whether your community is designated as dementia-friendly or you are curious about the process and want to learn more, Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) wants to hear from you. This survey is a great opportunity to share insights about the successes and...
Upcoming Events in Healthy Aging: MHAC Statewide Network, ‘Let’s Talk About Dementia and Culture 2024,’ Good Neighbor Day
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to promote the following events by partners in our network that support inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities: MHAC Statewide Network Meeting, Sept. 25th from 10-11:30 am (virtual) Join the...
Jobs in Healthy Aging: Outstanding Life, Alzheimer’s Association of MA/NH
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to promote the following job opportunities from our partners: Strategic Partnerships Manager, Outstanding Life The Strategic Partnerships Manager plans and executes all grant-funded OutstandingLife (OsL)...
What to Know About One Care: A High-Level Overview of its Upcoming Transition
There are 312,000 older adults and people living with disabilities in the Commonwealth who are enrolled in both MassHealth (Massachusetts’ name for two programs combined: Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program) and Medicare. Up to 40 percent of people...
Main Street America Highlights Fields Corner Main Street Project that Uses Art to Increase Community Safety
The organization Main Street America highlighted a community art project led by Fields Corner Main Street in Boston that used art to enhance pedestrian safety. In August, Fields Corner Main Street unveiled “Blooms in the Field,” a one-of-a-kind art installation that...
Age-Friendly Funding Alert: MassDOT Announces Community Transit Grant Program
MassDOT is pleased to announce the schedule for this year's Community Transit Grant Program, which is their annual grant program to expand mobility for older adults and people with disabilities. Operating & Mobility Management Applications open September 16, and...
Clarification on MBTA Income-Eligible Reduced Fare Policy
In its previous newsletter, the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative shared the MBTA's announcement of their expanding access to reduced fares for income-eligible riders beginning Wednesday, September 4, 2024. The MBTA and advocates that pushed for policy...