AARP Releases ‘Bike Audit’ Tool Kit

Created by AARP Livable Communities with the League of American Bicyclists, the AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit is a free, 32-page, information- and image-filled guide that can be used by cycling advocates and local leaders to assess and improve the safety and accessibility...

MHAC Celebrates Digital Inclusion Week

The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is joining the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and partners across the state to promote National Digital Inclusion Week, which is taking place from October 2-6 and is dedicated to promoting and increasing digital equity...

Reminder: Take the Community Healthy Equity Survey from Mass DPH

The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is reminding age- and dementia friendly stakeholders to promote the Community Health Equity Survey from the Mass. Department of Public Health (DPH). The survey will help communities improve conditions that impact health,...