Diabetes Self-Management Program

Program Description: The Diabetes Self-Management Program is a participant education program for people with diabetes. The program was developed by Stanford University. Family members, caregivers or friends may also attend. Workshop topics include: Techniques to deal...

Chronic Pain Self-Management

Program Description: This program provides information and teaches practical skills for older adults to manage the challenges of living with chronic pain. Learn More: http://patienteducation.stanford.edu/programs/cpsmp.html

Chronic Disease Self-Management (My Life, My Health)

Program Description: The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (My Life, My Health) is a participant education program developed by Stanford University. Participants are adults experiencing chronic health conditions such as: hypertension, arthritis, heart disease,...

Better Choices Better Health-Diabetes

Program Description: This is the online version of the Diabetes Self-Management Program. The program teaches older adults the skills needed in the self-management of diabetes and to maintain and/or increase life’s activities. Learn More:...

Better Choices Better Health-Arthritis

Program Description: This is the online version of the Arthritis Self-Management program. The program teaches older adults the skills needed in the self-management of arthritis. It helps them to maintain and/or increase life’s activities, including reducing pain,...