Upcoming Events in Healthy Aging: AARP Mass. Age/Dementia Friendly Summit, Tech Learning Collaborative for Healthy Aging, Dementia Friends Champion Training

Oct 16, 2023

The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is promoting the following events and opportunities to help promote and support inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities:

Join AARP Mass., Massachusetts Councils on Aging, and the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative for an in-person event that will explore how local leaders can implement strategies in urban, suburban and rural communities that:

  • Ensure parks and public spaces are accessible for people of all ages and abilities
  • Keep a focus on equity and engaging diverse populations
  • Recognize the value of opportunities to engage and empower residents of all ages
  • Uncover opportunities for securing financial support

Participants will be exposed to best practices and, insights in order to design approaches that meet the needs of residents in their communities and across the Commonwealth.

Registration and details are available here.

Join the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs for our upcoming quarterly convening. Attendees will hear from the Mass Broadband Institute for updates on statewide digital equity planning as well as from grantees of the EOEA “Enhancing Digital Literacy for Older Adults” Program.

Information and registration is available here.

  • Dementia Friends Champion Training, November 8 from 9:30 to noon via Zoom.

Take part in a free 2 ½ hour Zoom training to become a Dementia Friends Champion! This training will give you the knowledge and materials you need to lead your own Dementia Friends information session for your family, friends, coworkers or others in your community. Adults and high school students in Massachusetts are eligible to train as Champions. Our program is available in nine languages.

Upcoming training:

You will receive an automated confirmation from Zoom, along with your unique link to join the meeting. 

Dementia Friends is a global public awareness program that helps everyone in a community learn about dementia, how it affects people, and the simple things that we can all do to make a difference. Help bring awareness to those around you! To learn more about Dementia Friends, watch this 2-minute video.

Please contact Beth with any questions at