The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is promoting the following events and opportunities to help promote and support inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities:
- MHAC Equity in Aging Webinar and Discussion (virtual, Nov. 21st at 11 am)
Join the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative as we hear updates from the Mass. Department of Public Health on their Community Health Equity Survey and how it can support health equity among older adults. We will also hear from Health Resources in Action regarding a new round of the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds, which are both a grantmaking and capacity-building resource to assist organizations and communities in addressing the root causes of health inequities.
We also welcome discussion and updates, so please email James Fuccione at MHAC ( if your organization or community has a brief update to share.
Registration is available here.
- MHAC Statewide Network Meeting (virtual, Nov. 29 at 9:30 am)
Please join the Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative for its meeting of our Statewide Network (formerly our Advisory Council).
We will be joined by Jan Mutchler, PhD, Director of the Gerontology Institute at UMass-Boston to hear about a recent report on Late Life Gender Disparities in Economic Security. We will also have on hand staff from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Elder Justice Unit to explain and present on their role and work in promoting the safety and welfare of the state’s older adults.
If your community or organization has an update on your work as part of the age- and dementia friendly community movement that you would like to briefly share at this meeting, please contact James Fuccione at MHAC to reserve a spot (
- Understand, Approach & Respond: Effective Interventions for First Responders [for working with community members living with dementia] (virtual on two dates: Jan 10 from 7-9 am & Jan. 23 from 6-8 pm)
The goal of this training, hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association of MA/NH, is to educate Fire and EMS personnel on the impact that Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias may have on individuals and communities. This program has been developed specifically for Fire and EMS. Strategies acquired from this training will provide an understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias, and will help personnel optimize the effectiveness of responding during interventions with persons living with dementia, and their families.
First responders interested in the Jan. 10th training can register here.
First responders interested in the Jan. 23rd training can register here.
- Become a Dementia Friends Champion (Jan. 11, 2024 at 1 pm)
Take part in a free 2 ½ hour Zoom training to become a Dementia Friends Champion! This training will give you the knowledge and materials you need to lead your own Dementia Friends information session for your library patrons, family, friends, coworkers or others in your community. Adults and high school students in Massachusetts are eligible to train as Champions. Our program is available in nine languages.
Thursday, January 11, 2024, 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Open to any adult or high school student in Massachusetts.
Please register by noon on January 10 by clicking this Zoom link:
You will receive an automated confirmation from Zoom, along with your unique link to join the meeting.
Dementia Friends is a global public awareness program that helps everyone in a community learn about dementia, how it affects people, and the simple things that we can all do to make a difference. Help bring awareness to those around you! To learn more about Dementia Friends, watch this 2-minute video.
Please contact Beth with any questions at