by James Fuccione | Jun 7, 2017 | News and Updates
With so much momentum and activity in age-friendly and dementia friendly communities, combating ageism, and raising awareness of healthy aging issues, the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative started a Twitter account to share stories, ideas, and resources....
by James Fuccione | Jun 7, 2017 | Programs
AARP is currently offering a prime opportunity for cities and towns seeking to kick-start or strengthen age-friendly efforts in the form of of Community Challenge grants to communities around the country. The grants are aimed at funding projects that improve...
by James Fuccione | May 24, 2017 | News and Updates, Stories from the Field, Systems and Best Practices
After a comprehensive assessment that drew the participation of more than 4,000 older adults from 23 neighborhoods across the city, Age-Friendly Boston announced a major milestone with the release of their 75-point action plan to enhance the quality of life for...
by James Fuccione | May 24, 2017 | News and Updates, Stories from the Field, Systems and Best Practices
Transportation for older adults is a common topic of discussion for communities looking to become more age-friendly in both urban and rural settings, and Age-Friendly Berkshires will be testing a solution for their region. Inclusive of 32 cities and towns in a...
by James Fuccione | May 19, 2017 | Conferences
With support from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, UMass Boston’s Gerontology Institute is hosting a summit focused on building better collaboration between behavioral health providers and aging services. Featured speakers include Elder Affairs Secretary...