Results from a new AARP survey reveal deep ageism-related concerns from both employed older adults and those seeking jobs. For example, the survey finds that older workers who are concerned they could lose their job this year believe their age would be a factor (61%)...
News: Data and Reports
AARP Adds New Resources on ADU Policies and Inclusive Zoning
The AARP Livable Communities team, which builds resources to support age-friendly community efforts, has released a pair of resources to promote local policy improvements that can help older adults age in community and make public spaces more inclusive. Enabling...
New Reports Focus on Better, Person-Centered Care for Older Adults
Whether it is called "age-friendly health care" or "person-centered care for older adults," this month has seen reports and publications focus and advocate for better health care that truly meets the needs of older people. With support from the SCAN Foundation, the...
Brookings Analysis of Early Census Data Shows Aging Population Trends
In an analysis of census estimates released in December 2020, Brookings finds that between 2010 and 2020, the number of people over age 55 grew by 27%, which is 20 times larger than the growth rate of the collective population under 55 (1.3%). The largest driver of...
Mass. Commission on Falls Prevention Issues Recommendations on Improving Integration of Falls Risk Assessment and Referral in Health Care Practices
The Massachusetts Commission on Falls Prevention, which is led by staff at the state's Department of Public Health, released their biennial legislative report with recommendations on improving how health care providers assess and refer older adults for risk of falls....
Interactive COVID-19 Data Dashboard Unveiled, Older Adults Reprioritized in Vaccine Plan
Based on this recommendation of the COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory group, the Baker Administration has updated prioritization so that individuals age 75+ are included in Phase 2, Group 1, along with individuals of all ages with 2+ comorbidities. This follows revised...
Joint Center for Housing Studies Fall Research Round-Up Highlights Older Adult Issues (Guest Blog Post)
The following is a guest blog post by Jennifer Molinsky, Senior Research Associate, Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University In 2020, the pandemic, a powerful movement for social justice, and another year of devastating natural disasters have all focused...
Facing a Pandemic: Grandfamilies Living Together During COVID-19 and Thriving Beyond
Nationwide, older adults are being cautioned to keep their distance from children because of the heightened risk of infection from COVID-19. But for some families—grandfamilies—that distance is impossible. Facing a Pandemic: Families Living Together During COVID-19...
Boston and New Bedford Featured in AARP’s Age-Friendly COVID-19 Response Highlights
Among the nation’s communities and local leaders on the frontlines of the global coronavirus pandemic are the more than 450 towns, cities, counties and states enrolled in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities - 74 of which are in Massachusetts. AARP...
LGBT Aging 2025: Strategies for Achieving a Healthy and Thriving LGBT Older Adult Community in Massachusetts
A new report from The Fenway Institute finds that older LGBTQ adults in the Commonwealth report being diagnosed with depression at twice the rate of their straight, cisgender peers, and are twice as likely to fall and be injured in a fall over the past year. It also...