MassHealth Releases New Redetermination Outreach Tools and Renewal Help Guide

Apr 5, 2023

MassHealth released a Phase 2 Redeterminations Outreach Toolkit to help educate members and make sure they are prepared and know how to complete their upcoming renewal.

This toolkit includes key messages as well as downloadable flyers, posters, and other materials in 9 languages. The toolkit also includes specific materials for older adults. MassHealth also released a comprehensive MassHealth Renewal Help Guide, a new resource for individuals who interact with members.

Please visit to learn more about the redetermination process and to stay up to date on key information. EOEA and MassHealth also held a recent webinar for aging services network professionals (Webinar Recording Link, Passcode: Webinar1!).

In March 2020, the federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the PHE and consistent with federal requirements, MassHealth put protections in place that prevented members’ MassHealth coverage ending during the COVID-19 emergency.

The federal government will end continuous coverage requirements on April 1, 2023, when MassHealth will return to our regular renewal processes​.  At this time, MassHealth will need to renew all members’ health coverage to ensure they still qualify for their current benefit. These renewals will take place over 12 months, from April 2023 to April 2024. This means that members could get their renewal forms in the mail at any time during this one-year period​.

In order to reduce the number of qualified members that lose their coverage, MassHealth is working with the Massachusetts Health Connector, Health Care For All, and other partners to make sure members know how to renew their coverage and know of other affordable health coverage options if needed.