Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, and Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver joined Fitchburg Mayor Stephen DiNatale and other local leaders in Fitchburg to announce the latest round of Complete Streets Funding Program awards, totaling $8.1 million in funding to 24 communities.
These awards will be used to fund local, multimodal infrastructure projects that improve accessibility for bicyclists, pedestrians, public transit users, and people using other forms of transportation.
These awards are an opportunity for age-friendly communities to make accessibility improvements in transportation infrastructure for all residents. There are also opportunities for cities and towns to adopt Complete Streets policies that guide more inclusive planning and design.
Since 2016, 208 municipalities have approved policies and 173 (nearly 50%) have approved Prioritization Plans. Examples of projects that can be addressed through the program include improved street lighting, radar speed signage, intersection signalization, new multimodal paths and new signals at crosswalks.
For a list of awardees, check out the MassDOT blog post on the Complete Streets funding awards.