AARP Massachusetts is seeking nominations for the AARP Andrus Award for Community Service. This award recognizes outstanding individuals age 50 and older who are sharing their experience, talents and skills to enrich the lives of others. Nominees for the AARP...
Boston Public Health Commission Report Highlights Disparities in Life Expectancy Between City Neighborhoods
The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) recently announced the release of several issue-based Health of Boston reports. The Health of Boston reports compiled by BPHC examine the city’s health trends and the health status of residents. BPHC utilizes the data and...
Smart Growth America Releases Report on Best ‘Complete Street’ Policies of 2023
In their annually-released report, Smart Growth America scores the strongest Complete Street policies from across the country. Complete Streets policies are a jurisdiction’s formal commitment to fund, plan for, construct, operate, and maintain their streets so they...
Age-Friendly Funding Opportunity Reminders: Enhancing Digital Literacy for Older Adults, Community Transit Grant Program
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages communities working to become more age- and dementia friendly to consider the following funding opportunities: Enhancing Digital Equity for Older Adults, Executive Office of Elder Affairs (applications due May...
MIT and BU Programs Support Communities Working to Become More Age-Friendly
Through the generous sponsorship of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AgeLab and AARP Massachusetts, the MIT AgeLab’s Opportunities for Multigenerational Exchange, Growth and Action (OMEGA) program is proud to offer five $5000 college scholarships to...
Jobs in Healthy Aging: Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Boston AgeStrong Commission
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to promote the following job opportunities: POLST Program Director, Executive Office of Elder Affairs The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) is hiring a Program Director to lead the transition from MOLST...
US Surgeon General Creates National Framework to Advance Social Connection
The Surgeon General has created a Framework for a National Strategy to Advance Social Connection. This details the critical and actionable next steps that individuals, communities, organizations, and governments can take to foster social connection. According to the...
UMass-Boston’s Gerontology Institute Examines Elder Economic Security in Massachusetts
UMass-Boston's Gerontology Institute, building on their recent report with a national view that compares elder economic security, released a new update with a focus on Massachusetts. New estimates from the 2022 Elder IndexTM reveal that the cost of living in...
Age-Friendly Funding Alerts: Community Transit Grant Program Now Open!
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages communities working to become more age- and dementia friendly to consider the following funding opportunities: MassDOT’s FY24 Community Transit Grant Program - applications due June 23. MassDOT’s FY24 Community...
Support for Local Housing Available through CHAPA Municipal Engagement Initiative
Believing that housing is at the center of the hub of work needed to create healthy, equitable, affordable, and vibrant communities, the Municipal Engagement Initiative (MEI) from the Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) works with residents on the...