GIA’s Community AGEnda

This website provides information about GIA’s age-friendly initiative, including resources to help funders, nonprofits, governments, planners and citizens, as well info about the five communities that have received grants to accelerate their age-friendly...

Age-friendly communities in MA

AGE-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES IN MA Revised April 2018 A wave of communities across MA are actively pursuing or exploring an age-friendly designation through the WHO/AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. Some are implementing other age-friendly models. This interactive...
Improving Walkability in Fall River

Improving Walkability in Fall River

By Jaime Corliss and Ben Wood, MDPH and Julie Kelly, Fall River Mass in Motion Public health people love to talk about Policy, Systems and Environmental change (PSE for short). You probably have an understanding of what this concept means (and you may be sick of...