by James Fuccione | Mar 31, 2022 | Data and Reports
A report released by WalkBoston, a Massachusetts pedestrian advocacy organization and key partner for the Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative, provides new insights evaluating where and how fatal pedestrian crashes are happening across the state, and what these patterns...
by James Fuccione | Mar 16, 2022 | News and Updates
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages stakeholders and communities to consider the following funding opportunities that support inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities: Boston Age Strong Commission: The Creating Connections and Reducing...
by James Fuccione | Mar 9, 2022 | Data and Reports, News and Updates
The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University (JCHS) has recently launched the Housing an Aging Society (HAS) Program. Building on research conducted on housing and aging over the past eight years, the program will examine the diverse needs of US...
by James Fuccione | Feb 9, 2022 | News and Updates
The AARP Livable Communities team has updated their Walk Audit tool, which can help inform local decision-making by prioritizing areas in need of improvement and educating community members about the importance of street and sidewalk design. The tool kit publication...
by James Fuccione | Feb 2, 2022 | News and Updates
The Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program from the Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDOT), which has a current funding round with application due on March 1, has provided an opportunity for cities and towns to improve public health, safe mobility, and...