by James Fuccione | Oct 25, 2017 | News and Updates
The state legislature’s Joint Committees on Public Health and Elder Affairs hosted an informational hearing titled “Alzheimer’s and Dementia as a Healthcare Crisis” with expert panels that included state officials, caregivers, researchers and...
by James Fuccione | Oct 24, 2017 | Conferences, News and Updates
At its 35th anniversary annual conference, held in Boston, Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) presented the GIA Diversity Award for 2017 to the Tufts Health Plan Foundation. Jackie Jenkins-Scott, a member of the board of directors of Tufts Health Plan Foundation and former...
by James Fuccione | Oct 19, 2017 | News and Updates
The Massachusetts Association for Councils on Aging hosted Governor Charlie Baker as their featured keynote speaker on the first day of their three-day conference and the Governor delivered a major victory for the Age- and Dementia Friendly movement during his...
by James Fuccione | Oct 10, 2017 | News and Updates
SeniorCare Inc, an aging and disability service organization serving nine North Shore communities , will be hosting a series of community forums to spark conversation about how the Cape Ann area can become more age- and dementia friendly. Members from all aspects of...
by James Fuccione | Sep 20, 2017 | Conferences
The Dementia Friendly Massachusetts Initiative is hosting a statewide conference titled “Creating Welcoming Communities,” which will showcase models for expanding the Age- and Dementia Friendly movement. The event features opening remarks by Alice Bonner,...