Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's Office of Food Access has created food resource maps in six languages for each of the city's neighborhoods with a goal of improving the availability to healthy eating options for all residents. The Massachusetts Municipal Association...
News: Data and Reports
High Turnover and Capacity Issues Revealed in Home Care Workforce Survey
New survey results of the state's home care workforce reveal that home care agencies, on average, are only able to retain three of the 18 workers typically hired over a three month period. With funding from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, the Home Care Aide Council...
Report on Business and the Future of Aging Released by Milken Institute
The Milken Institute, which releases an annual list of the best cities for successful aging, has compiled a report that captures the opportunity an aging population presents for business, economic growth and society at-large. Based on the 2017 Summit on Business and...
Study: Grandparents Help Shape Kids’ Views on Aging
Researchers from the University of Liege in Belgium found that ageism can be common in children, but kids who have a good relationship with their grandparents are less likely to become prejudiced against older adults. One of the major findings of this study revealed...
UMass Boston and LeadingAge Announce LTSS Research Center
A first-in-the-country research center is being established thanks to a partnership between LeadingAge and the Gerontology Institute at UMass Boston. According to an announcement from UMass, the LTSS Center @UMass Boston will "combine the expertise of applied and...
Older residents of Waltham and Greenfield complete “Healthy Aging” community research study
By Walter Leutz, Heller School, Brandeis University What makes this a “healthy” community to grow old in? What could make it better? What do older adults do to be healthier and to make this a healthier community? These are the questions asked by “Healthy Aging:...
Independence—It’s What Older People Want
Cross-posted from Health Affairs Blog By Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of the John A Hartford Foundation We already know what older people want. A study from the National Conference of State Legislatures and AARP, as well as other studies, confirm, time and...
How Community-Based Organizations Can Support Value-Driven Health Care
Cross-posted from HealthAffairsBlog By Anand Parekh, MD, MPH, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Robert Schreiber, MD, Hebrew SeniorLife As our health care system transforms more quickly than ever from paying for volume to paying for value, providers...
50 Years In, the Older Americans Act is at a Turning Point
By MA Healthy Aging Collaborative Update: On July 16, 2015, the Senate passed the bill to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (OAA). This is an important milestone that will help ensure the continuation of vital programs and services for older Americans and their...
Assessing the Age-Friendliness of Your Community
By Angel Bourgoin, PhD, JSI | MA Healthy Aging Collaborative website A crucial step in improving the age-friendliness of your community is to identify its current strengths and areas for improvement. Conducting a community assessment can help you to engage community...