New Bedford is helping to lead the way for Age- and Dementia Friendly Community efforts in Massachusetts and will soon be benefiting from a partnership between the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and Health eVillages, a non-profit organization that provides free,...
News: Programs
ISHI Announces Inquiry of Ideas to Improve Housing Policies and Systems
The Innovative Stable Housing Initiative (ISHI) requests ideas from the Boston community (including individual or groups of residents, coalitions, or organizations) regarding what housing policies and systems should be changed and how. This Inquiry of Ideas (IOI)...
MassTrails Grants Awarded to 71 Projects Across Mass.
Continuing efforts to support the state’s vast network of trails, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $5 million in MassTrails Grants to 71 projects throughout the Commonwealth. The grants will provide assistance for the construction, maintenance, and...
Honoring Choices MA Supports Age- and Dementia Friendly Communities
More than 1,000 Honoring Choices partners and Health Care Planning Ambassadors are working in their local communities to help adults make a personal health care plan and get connected to essential care to improve healthy living. Honoring Choices is now connecting this...
CDC’s New Clinical Tools Help Prevent Older Adult Falls
CDC released two new complimentary clinical tools to help healthcare providers reduce older adult falls. The Coordinated Care Plan to Prevent Older Adult Falls offers primary care providers, practices, and healthcare systems a framework for implementing a Stopping...
AARP Wins Award for Video Celebrating Men as Family Caregivers
AARP recently won a prominent “Sharecare Award” for its video spotlighting men as family caregivers, raising attention to an often hidden but vitally important group of people. Co-produced with AARP Studios, the 3-minute video offers an inside look at a gathering of...
Training the Aging Network to Provide Culturally Competent Care for LGBTQ Older Adults
The following background and issue brief from the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation promotes cultural competency training for aging service providers on the unique needs of LGBTQ older adults. Though the world has gotten more tolerant toward people...
Age-Friendly Funding Alert: Bridges Together Intergenerational Program
Bridges Together, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to providing training and tools on the art & science of intergenerational engagement, announced their grant opportunity. Teachers, librarians, staff from senior centers, senior housing and human service agencies and...
Applications Open for 2019 Housing Choice Designation
The online application is available for the 2019 round to designate Housing Choice Communities, according to the Housing Choice webpage on and the Mass. Municipal Association. This initiative presents an opportunity for communities seeking to become more...
Age-Friendly Universities Launch Webinar Series
Age-Friendly Universities (AFU) are an opportunity to address ageism by making campuses more inclusive of older adults and offering mentoring that benefits young and old, but the designation also provides a chance to collaborate with communities seeking to become...