MHAC’s COVID-19 Updates and Resources: 6/5-6/11

Jun 11, 2020

In addition to an evolving COVID-19 resource page, MHAC is continuing to collect and share updates on COVID-19 from state government, federal agencies like the Centers for Disease Control, and other key stakeholders.

These updates are to help and inform a wide range of individuals and partners, including communities working to become more age- and dementia friendly.

Please see the latest updates below:

  • Reopening Massachusetts: Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to Second Phase of Four-Phase Approach

Phase II of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan will began on June 8th.

Businesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase II are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards that can be found in the official Phase II announcement here.

  • Nursing Home COVID-19 Data and Inspections Results Available on Nursing Home Compare

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is posting the first set of underlying coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) nursing home data on a public website attached to their “Nursing Home Compare” search tool for consumers.

On April 19, 2020, CMS announced the requirement that nursing homes inform residents, their families, and their representatives of COVID-19 cases in their facilities. In addition to this, nursing homes are required to report COVID-19 cases and deaths directly to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CMS is now making this data publicly available.

  • BC Center for Retirement Research Brief: Can Older Workers Work from Home?

One major workforce issue concerning the COVID-19 pandemic is how it will affect future employment options for older workers.

A research brief from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research explores how many of these older workers can work from home. Findings indicate that older workers are as well situated as younger workers in terms of having “work from home” jobs. However, only about 45 percent of all older workers are in such jobs, and they tend to be those with higher earnings and more education.

The findings continue to state that “the fact that about 55 percent of older workers cannot work remotely means that many may face re-entering what they view as unsafe work environments. And, given that low-paid workers are less likely to be in occupations where they can work remotely, the opening up of the economy means that they will face either the health risk of returning to work before the virus is under control or the economic risk of exhausting their resources.”

  • Gerontology Society of America: Understanding Ageism and COVID-19

Even though people 65 and older are at greater risk under COVID-19, people of all ages are profoundly affected by the pandemic, whether through infection itself, economic impact, or social distancing measures—especially those that are responsible for physical distancing of family and friends for the safety of all.

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) has developed a resource and infographics on ageism awareness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.