Age-Friendly News Clips: September 2018

Periodically, the Healthy Aging Collaborative will share news articles that mention state and local efforts to make cities, towns and regions in Massachusetts Age- and Dementia Friendly. Check out the following articles from September 2018 on the momentum of this...

Age-Friendly Funding Alert: Transportation, Cultural Programs

For communities and regions looking to become Age- and Dementia Friendly, as well as their organizational partners, the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative identifies and shares funding opportunities that help improve livability and well-being....

UMass-Lowell Researchers Partner with Age-Friendly Lawrence

In a great example of Age-Friendly Communities partnering with their local colleges and universities, UMass-Lowell, which has already been working with Lawrence and local organizations for years, will now be focused on helping the city's own Age-Friendly initiative....

MassDOT Taking Feedback on Pedestrian Transportation Plan

MassDOT is asking for comments on its draft Pedestrian Plan, which aims to establish a comprehensive approach for the agency to better operate and maintain the walking infrastructure under its jurisdiction, to make investments in new facilities, and support...

50-Plus Job Fair in Pittsfield Part of ‘Employ Older Workers Week’

As part of national "employ older workers week," BerkshireWorks, in collaboration with Elder Services of Berkshire County, Age Friendly Berkshires and AARP Massachusetts, bring you the 50 Plus Job Fair. It is free and open to the public.  The event will be held on...

AARP Releases Stats from 2018 Home and Community Preferences Survey

While 76% of Americans age 50 and older say they prefer to remain in their current residence and 77% would like to live in their community as long as possible, just 59% anticipate they will be able to stay in their community, either in their current home (46%) or a...