News: News and Updates

Age-Friendly Funding Alert: MassTrails

The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages communities and regions seeking to become more age and dementia friendly to consider the new round of MassTrails grants. The program supports recreational trail and shared use pathway projects across the...

Community Innovations During COVID-19 Response at Center of New Report

A new report offers insights from communities’ response during the coronavirus pandemic and demonstrates their nimbleness in creating more inclusive and equitable systems to support older people. How Innovative Community Responses to COVID-19 Support Healthy Aging is...

Mass. Launches COVID-19 Eviction Diversion Initiative

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts launched the Eviction Diversion Initiative (EDI) - a comprehensive set of resources to support tenants and landlords during the financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Key components of EDI includes: $100 million in...

DPH Extends COVID-10 Community Impact Survey to 10/30

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced an extension to October 30th of the COVID-19 Community Impact Survey (CCIS) – an online survey aimed at collecting data to better understand and identify the social, economic, and health needs and inequities...