by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Feb 17, 2015 | News and Updates, Programs
Cross-posted from Hebrew SeniorLife By Jennifer Rhodes-Kropf, M.D., Hebrew SeniorLife February is American Heart Health month, which makes it a great time to make changes that can improve the health of your heart. As a geriatrician at Center Communities of Brookline,...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Jan 23, 2015
By Dillon Sussman, Senior Planner, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission One of the joys of being a land planner is that what I learn at work helps me understand how communities function and why people act the way they do. Here’s an example. A year ago I moved from one...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Jan 23, 2015
By Ann L. Hartstein, Secretary, Executive Office of Elder Affairs September is Healthy Aging month, and healthy living is the path to healthy aging. Five years ago the Patrick Administration launched its Aging Agenda, just ahead of the Baby Boomer Age In, which began...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Sep 17, 2014 | Programs, Stories from the Field
By Raymond Santos, Community Relations Director, Ethos Falls are one of the biggest health risks for older adults. In fact, one in three adults aged 65 and older falls each year. Up to 30 percent of those who fall suffer injuries that make it difficult to move around...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Sep 16, 2014
This resource provides information about the benefits of exercise and physical activity for seniors. Source: U.S. National Library of Medicine