Breaking Down Barriers

Breaking Down Barriers

At the Wang YMCA of Chinatown, more than 400 seniors of Asian descent have participated in “Get Fit, Stay Fit for Life,” a free six-month program that brings adults 60 or over together for group exercises, counseling services, informative workshops and organized...

Healthy Moves for Aging Well

Program Description: This in-home physical activity intervention (chair bound and advanced exercises) is focused on maintaining health status and quality of life of frail elders. Learn More:,3.html

Fit & Strong!

Program Description: This program helps older adults to manage lower-extremity osteoarthritis through engagement in safe, balanced program of physical activity that builds lower extremity strength. Learn More:

Enhance Fitness

Program Description: This program helps to improve the overall functional fitness and well-being of older adults. Learn More:

Arthritis Self-Management

Program Description: The Arthritis Self-Management Program is a community-based recreational exercise program developed by the Arthritis Foundation. Trained instructors cover a variety of range-of-motion and endurance-building activities, relaxation techniques, and...